ICAS and Kyle Franklin warn about danger of aircraft smoke oil systems during crash
April 26, 2011, 09:55 pm
Following the March accident of aerobatics team Kyle and Amanda Franklin, the International Council of Airshows has sent a statement to all its members warning of the potential danger aircraft smoke oil systems can pose during a crash.
The warning follows the discovery that the smoke oil pump likely contributed to Amanda Franklin's injuries. Franklin received severe burns and other injuries when the aircraft on which she was wing-walking at the South Padre air show crashed.
"It is already clear that many of Amanda Franklin’s burn injuries were made worse by the continued operation of the electric smoke oil pump after the engine failed," the ICAS said in an article sent to its members. "Do what you need to do to ensure that your smoke pump stops operating when your engine stops or you are involved in an accident."
According to the group, Amanda's husband and partner, Kyle Franklin, who was also injured in the crash, has contributed significantly to the campaign and is warning airshow performers to modify their smoke oil pumps to ensure that they stop when the aircraft's engine stops operating to avoid spraying hot oil into the wreckage.
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